Frequently Asked Questions
Dive into our extensive FAQ section on the ChargeNet Support Hub, which covers a wide range of topics, from EV charging fundamentals to insights into our network and services. You’ll also find comprehensive user guides, troubleshooting tips, and up-to-date information about our charging stations, all aimed at helping you make the most of your charging experience.
Got a question about EV charging?
Need more help?Yes, to use the ChargeNet network you will need to create an account. Creating a ChargeNet account is simple, free and takes just a few minutes. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to access the rapid charging network instantly and enjoy easy billing and payment. To create your account, click the ‘Sign Up’ button.
Creating a ChargeNet account is simple, free and takes just a few minutes. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to access the rapid charging network instantly and enjoy easy billing and payment. To create your account click the ‘Sign Up’ button. Next, enter your details and add your credit or debit card, and you’re ready to hit the road. Within your account, you can start a charging session, monitor your usage, and download your invoices.
To use a ChargeNet charging station, plug in your EV and activate your session within the ChargeNet app or by swiping your RFID fob and pressing the ‘start’ button on the charger.
Please ensure that your EV is turned off as some will not initiate a charge while switched on.
If in doubt, the instructions are printed on the front panel of each of our chargers.
If a charging session has not started within 3 minutes, the charger will time out. If this happens, please return the charger to its cradle to reset the machine before starting the charging process again.
On stations that have the option of selecting a max charge (80% Max black button) these stations will default to a 80% charge as it is the quickest most efficient charge. If you wish to receive the max charge of 95%, please press the max button.
Please be courteous to other users by not parking at an EV charging station if you are not charging and by moving your vehicle once you are finished.
To learn more about EV Fast Charging Stations and how to use them, check out this article.
To use the ChargeNet network, you don’t need to bring cash or cards, but you will need to create an account. It’s best to do this before you need to visit a charging station for the first time.
Creating a ChargeNet account is simple, free, and takes only a few minutes via our website or app. You only pay for what you use, with no nasty surprises.
To create your account, click the ‘Sign Up’ button on the ChargeNet website. You’ll need a credit or debit card, or if you don’t have one, you can even use a valid pre-paid VISA, eg, Prezzy card.
Once you open your account, you can order and register your ChargeNet RFID fob. Simply visit our ordering page and place an order, or click here. We’ll courier your RFID fob to you, which looks like a swipe tag that comes with your gym membership. Attach this to your keyring so it’s always with you.
To access the network before your key fob arrives in the mail, you can start a charging session via our app, or through https://app.charge.net.nz/charge. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to access the charging network and enjoy ‘filling up’ without pulling out your wallet each time.
It’s also a good idea to download the ChargeNet App before you hit the road. The easiest way to stay in charge of your charging sessions is with the ChargeNet app. From the palm of your hand you can find charging stations, view live availability, check pricing, or activate and monitor charging sessions.
The ChargeNet network is continually growing. For an up-to-date list of our chargers and their locations visit the ChargeNet map.
Yes! This is available to download for free from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store.
We offer multiple ways to start a charging session. You can charge in one of the following ways:
Remotely via the app or start charge page:
You can activate a charging session using your smartphone via the app or going to charge.net.nz and clicking on start charge.
By RFID fob:
You can activate a charging session using the RFID fob linked to your account. Simply swipe or tap the RFID fob on the designated area on the charging station.
If you need additional support:
You can phone our 24/7 support line on 0800 224 274 and we can activate the charging station for you.
If you need to leave before you’ve finished charging, you can stop at any time. Simply wave your RFID Fob across the reader to unlock your charging session. Then press the Stop button on the display interface. If you started the charge with the ChargeNet app, you can also stop the charge with the app.
After pressing stop, wait a few seconds for the station to disengage from your car. The CHAdeMO connector has a red indicator light on top of it, which will turn off once it’s safe to remove the connector (some stations have a switch on the connector handle). The CCS-2 connector does not so wait a few seconds. Firmly but gently pull the connector out of your EV and be sure to hang the cable back up so it doesn’t get damaged. Close your charge port and port cover carefully as well. These can be fairly fragile on some models.
Please do not press the big red Emergency Stop button unless it is a real emergency. This not only stops your charge, but it also shuts down the whole station causing headaches for our Network Manager. If an Emegency Stop is essential, please reset for the next person before you leave.
To start a charging session you will need to create a ChargeNet account (sign up here). Once you have created an account and loaded a debit or credit card you will be able to use the network. Your credit or debit card will be billed at the end of each charging session. At the start of each month, ChargeNet will email you a statement/invoice for your previous month’s charging. Please ensure that your email system will accept emails from noreply@charge.net.nz and your account has an up-to-date credit or debit card to ensure your account stays active.
There are three main variables that impact the speed at which your EV will draw power from a charger: what model EV you have, how many kW you want, and whether you’re charging the first half or second half of your battery – the first half is quicker to charge. You can learn more about this subject here: How long will it take to charge my EV?
Recently, ChargeNet has installed 300kW hyper-rapid EV chargers. The massive output of these hyper-rapid chargers can boost the range of some modern EVs by 100km in less than 5 minutes or up to 40km in 15 minutes. Even if your EV has a lower maximum wattage, you’re still able to use these rapid chargers at lower speeds, and they charge three cars at once, so you’re less likely to need to wait. We’re installing more of these impressive chargers in strategic locations where they’ll be most valuable to Kiwi EV drivers on their journeys.
In addition to our DC charging points, we also have AC chargers that can output between 7–22kW of power. The maximum power inflow available is limited to the charging ability of your vehicle. Many AC chargers are free outside supermarkets and shopping centres, enabling you to ‘opportunity charge’ while running errands.
*charging speeds are dependent on many factors that we have no control over, such as your car’s BMS settings and the temperature. We can only give you general guidelines.
The average charging session will cost between $5 and $15 using a rapid or hyper-rapid charging station. These costs may differ depending on what level charger you are using and the size of your battery. If you have a vehicle with a large, or slow battery it will cost more than average. Prices are set at a charging station level and vary across the network. Please refer to the Charge page at app.charge.net.nz or download the ChargeNet app for a full list of current charging rates.
RFID fobs (radio frequency Identification tags) are plastic discs with a unique identifier chip enclosed linked to your account that enable charging sessions. Sessions activated with your RFID fob are billed directly to your account. The RFID fobs cost between $5.00 and $10.00 each, plus $7.50 shipping per order. Once you have created a ChargeNet account, these can be ordered through your account via the RFID fob tab.
If you are looking to install a DC rapid charger, we are happy to chat about your requirements. Please contact us to discuss further.
AC charging is slower, much like charging at home. The ChargeNet DC charging is a fast, premium service enabling you to charge your car in the shortest time period possible. You can learn more about this subject here.
Don’t see what you’re looking for?
If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 0800 224 274. Our customer care team is available round the clock to ensure you get back on the road quickly.
EV Fast Charging Stations: How to use them and what to expect
If you’re considering an electric vehicle, you may have some questions about your first charging session, but we have great news: it’s a lot simpler than you may think. In this guide, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to know before your first EV charging session, so you can enjoy a smooth and stress-free charging experience. By the end, you’ll be ready to hit the road with confidence.
We understand that sometimes the best way to tackle a problem is by troubleshooting it yourself, as it helps you gain the confidence and skills to handle similar issues in the future. That’s why we’ve put together a handy troubleshooting guide that you can turn to whenever something doesn’t quite go according to plan. It’s always here to lend a helping hand.